Urge Your Members of Congress to Support Improvements to the Historic Tax Credit! (H.R. 1785/S. 639)

The Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act was introduced by Representatives Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Brian Higgins (D-NY), Mike Kelly (R-PA), Darin LaHood (R-IL), Terri Sewell (D-AL), and Mike Turner (R-OH) and Senators Ben Cardin (D-MD), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Maria Cantwell (D-WA), and Susan Collins (R-ME). It includes provisions to add value to the Historic Tax Credit (HTC), improve access to the credit, and increase investment in smaller rehabilitation projects. 

These important changes to the Historic Tax Credit would encourage more building reuse and redevelopment nationwide and would be particularly impactful for small, midsize, and rural communities. The HTC is a proven tax incentive for both revitalizing historic community assets and supporting economic development and recovery. Since 1977, the program's accomplishments include $235 billion in estimated investment, 49,000 certified rehabilitation projects, 3.2 million jobs supported, and 199,000 units of low- and moderate-income housing units created.

Last Congress, HTC-GO attracted a record-setting 104 cosponsors in the House and 15 members in the Senate. Your help is necessary to again bolster Congressional support.

Urge your members of Congress to cosponsor the Historic Tax Credit Growth and Opportunity Act (HTC-GO).  


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